Five Things That Make You a Better Lash Tech (but have nothing to do with lashing)

NOTE: This post is important for lash extension clients as well!  If your lash tech is not covering these five basics, it may be time to find a new lash tech, or if you’re comfortable enough maybe send this list over to them! 

When doing lash extensions, we’re so focused on isolation and making a good connection with the natural lash (both incredibly important), that we sometimes forget there is a person under our tweezers.  Over the years of working in lash studios in Los Angeles, I’ve watched techs miss many opportunities to make their clients’ experience a lot more comfortable, so I’ve made a list of five things every lash extension artist can do to take his/her practice up a notch.  I really wanted to keep this blog to 5 items, even though there are more…a lot more, so if any lash techs have tips that I’ve missed I’d love to hear them!

1.      Turning on your lash light directly over the client’s eyes.  This can be bright and startling.  We know how hard it is to get the client’s eyes to relax and now we’ve set them off again by shining a bright light directly in their face.  Who wouldn’t squint at that?  Point the lights away from the client – I usually have them pointed at the décolleté and slowly make my way up to the eye area, but never directly ON the eyes.  If you need that much light on the eye area, you may want to consider magnifying glasses.  As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.

Here is the light I like to use:

THIS is a great lash lamp AND it also converts into a table lamp if that fits your setup better (ahem mobile lashers)! I personally like the light settings because sometimes our eyes can get a little tired and a softer or different color light can bring some relief.

TaoTronics Dimmable LED Floor Lamp

But if you’re wanting a good light with option to take pictures and video of your lash work, this is all you need to get.  This 18” florescent ring light has a flexible neck attached so you can grab those pics while you lash. Do it for the likes.


Also, below are some magnifying glasses that I’ve used. They’re not my most favorite because I do no prefer the light that is attached to the goggles but I can’t seem to find the ones I’ve been using for several years.

Magnifier Glasses

Peepers (Oprah wears them!) - pictured to the right, also makes beautiful and trendy readers if all you need is a liiiittle help from your glasses. I love this pair.

2.      Place a tissue on the client’s forehead while you lash them.  Remember when you learned you’re not supposed to rest your face on your hand because it can cause breakouts?  Why would lashing someone be any different?  I would not want someone else’s hands resting on my face for 60-120 minutes; there needs to be something there to protect the client’s skin. 

3.      Do not say “no worries” or “no problem.”  I learned this one from my friend Amy, a manicurist to stars like Reese Witherspoon and Sarah Michelle Gellar.  Those two phrases imply that there is a problem with whatever the client is asking for.  Instead, try “my pleasure” or “thank you so much” as a response. 

4.      Try (TRY TRY TRY) not to be on your phone.  This can get a little tricky if you are running your own lash business, but every second you are on the phone is a second your client is not getting lashed.  I know things come up, schedules need to be maintained and clients have questions, but if you can wait until the appointment is over, your client will be so grateful.  Plus, our cell phones are dirty…like really dirty.  Once you have washed your hands and you have started the appointment, it’s best to keep potential bacteria out of the situation.  I decided to buy an Apple Watch to help remedy this problem.  My calendar pulls up at the turn of my wrist and I can check my timing to make sure I stay on schedule.  And if I MUST I can answer the phone or send a text through my watch. 

5.      Do not try to achieve the “mascara look” with lash extension glue.  The fact that I have not only heard about this, but seen it with my own eyes is bewildering to me.  To apply enough medical-grade adhesive (lash extension glue) to purposely achieve a look of a wearing mascara, is a recipe for disaster.  Too much adhesive causes lashes to break off or rip out of the eye area.  A lash tech’s main concern should always be the integrity of their client’s natural lashes, yet year after year I’ve worked on clients that have bald spots, snapped-off lashes, and fragile damaged hairs.  Your natural lashes need to always be able to move, and when something inhibits them they become irritated and red and that’s when reactions and damage happens. 

I know I said five, but I couldn’t post this blog without mentioning two more: onion/garlic breath and design skills. I’ll run through these quickly, but I believe you get the idea with the first one. If you’re face is inches away from your client’s face PLEASE do not eat offensive-smelling food. Save it for dinner, or the weekend. And now about design. All too often I’ve looked at another lash tech’s work and wondered “does she just do the same thing with every client?” or “what was she trying to do here?”. There are so many youtube videos and diagrams and on design these days, it is easy to get some continued education, just by hopping on the internet. Learn about bone structure, shape and size of the eyeball, distances from the lash line to the crease and lash line to the brow. And THEN take your client’s requests into consideration. Not every face is the same, and your work shouldn’t be either.

Great news!!! I’m Starting a new section on my blog called Lash Light, where I discuss all things lashing, including Lash Extension business owners.  My next lash blog is a focus on a local business right here in Los Angeles, Lash Club LA!  Owned by Allie O’Connor, Lash Club LA just celebrated their second year in business.  If you know of a Lash Extension artist you’d love to read about, please send me their information!

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